Sunday, November 21, 2021

There is just too much stupid out there regarding firearms.

I just read Hollywood's reaction to the Rittenhouse verdict and I have not heard so much inaccuracy and outright stupidity about firearms in my entire life.

What's interesting to note is that an awful lot of Hollywood is based on gun violence. The people there should at least have some idea of firearms, what they do and how they work. On the other hand I have to admit that Alec Baldwin wasn't paying attention when they tried to train him.

If they are as smart as they say they are then they should know a lot more than they are letting on and are doing nothing but speaking propaganda which is what I expect from that liberal hellhole sewer.

When I hear that an AR15 isn't suitable for hunting because it shoots too fast I know I have just listened to an idiot. It shoots one round at a time.

When I hear that it can knock down an elephant at 800 yards I laugh because there are places that it is illegal to hunt deer with because the .223 cartridge doesn't have enough knockdown power to insure a clean kill. 

Hollywood lies and when you have to lie to further an agenda then something is wrong with your agenda.


Kyle Rittenhouse is in real life the decent human being that the left claims the sainted Treyvon Martin was.

Martin was a punk that was trying to beat up George Zimmerman who may be a fool but that's not illegal or else the jails would hold a large percent of out population. Fools have rights, too and the right to self-defense is one of them.

Martin was in the process of beating Zimmerman senseless when he fired on Martin.

That was yet ANOTHER politically motivated case that had never should have come to trial.


I think I'll finish with Kyle Rittenhouse here.

Kyle Rittenhouse was no hero as such. He is just another decent human being that got his pecker in a wringer and successfully defended himself against multiple asssailants.

I'm sure he wished no harm on anyone and just wanted to come home in one piece.

I do give him credit for a number of things.  

He kept his cool under the most frightning situation and acted effectively and probably a lot beter than a lot of trained infantrymen, Army and Marines.

He cleared a jam and got a shot off that saved his life as he was up against an armed assailant. When he did that he was under a second away from death because his assailant was planning on emptying his pistol magazine into Rittenhouse. He also used as little deadly force as needed. When he blew the bicep off of his assailant the assailant still held a loaded handgun and was as such still dangerous. He would have been more than justified giving Gaige Grosskreutz an anchor shot to render him harmless but he didn't. 

I don't know what he was thinking when he didn't anchor Grosskreutz because I certainly would have. Armed as he was he was still dangerous. He could have easily put the pistol in his good hand and shot Rittenhouse.

As far as shooting an assailant attacking him with a skateboard, the weapon of choice these days is a skateboard. It's actually a very deadly melee weapon. 

Rittenhouse went to a friend's car lot to guard it and try and protectlives and property. While on his part, it turned out to not be a very good idea, there was nothing wrong with it. He was going about his lawful business.

Like I said, he's no real hero so much as he is some poor dumb bastard that got his pecker in a wringer and fought successfully for his own survival.

Then on top of that he had to fight for his freedom in a court case that never should have come up to begin with. 


Now the Mayor of Boston chimed in of the verdict and said ''We have no accountability." Meaning Rittenhouse walked away a free man like he was supposed to.

She's wrong. We DO have accountability. Three people attacked an honest citizen engaging in lawful business and got held accountable for their actions.

I don't see any problem with that at all. None at all.

What I DO see as a problem is that the victim of the crimes had to spend a fortune and tie up a good piece of his life defending his lawful actions. 


Someone said that it's now OK for conservatives to shoot liberals. 

My answer was, "Then leave them alone. It you don't attack them they won't shoot you. Fair enough?"


Now there is a rumor going around that the conviction will likely be reversed as soon as the mail-in ballots are counted.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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