Friday, December 17, 2021

Ahh, yes. Another "Hey! I have children!" type.

Fine. YOU have children. I don't. So what?

YOUR children are not MY responsibility and a I am not willing to surrender MY basic rights just because YOU want to be an irresponsible parent.

Stop hiding behind your children.

YOUR children are not MY problem.


The day before yesterday I was out and about and encountered two different mothers pushing strollers. Both were walking facing traffic which I consider a smart thing to do as they can see what's coming.

Both times I slowed down to well under 10 mph and because nobody else was on the road I swung into the oncoming lane to give them wide berth as I ghosted past them.

I was above and beyond and I don't mind this. It's a courtesy I am generous with. I consider it a part of being a good citizen.

The first woman I passed showed her appreciation with a warm, thankful smile. I smiled back. I don't mind going a little out of my way for someone that's even remotely grateful.

The second woman looked at me like I was Charles Manson or someone, obviously resentful of the fact that she had to share the road with someone else. She can kiss my ass. I did my due diligence and went a lot further than most. Enough is enough.

Actually I didn't expect any kind of reward, she could have looked straight ahead and ignored me and I would have thought nothing of it. Instead she gave me a dirty look of resentfulness.


Speaking of kids, the kid that used to mow my lawn blew my mind and left my brains dribbling out my ears.

I figured that all things considered, he'd come back a low B and C student. I didn't think he'd flunk out. There's no way in hell he'd do that. Still, you have to take a lot of things into consideration.

First time away from home, access to beer and other things, a number of party animals around him I kind of figured he'd be pretty much a normal freshman that passed his first semester.

Instead he blew the first semester out of the water with a 4.0 which left me stunned. NOBODY gets a 4.0 on their first semester!

I'm damned proud of him.

Then again he's a sneaky little bastard. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. He's had to cough up for his first year and he's probably going for a free ride scholarship. 

Keep hittin' 'em, Kid!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Not son made 4.0 all 5 years except for one semester in fifth year, a 3.8. He was so upset you would have thought he failed. He has a Mechanical Engineering degree and a Business degree which was his fifth year.

  2. That's damned rare. ESPECIALLY for a first semester.

    While if DOES happen it doesn't happen too damned often.

  3. He has always had that work ethic from the time he started school. There's good and there's bad to this. He is a workaholic and is somewhat married to his job. He has been with his very first job as an engineer for 13 years right out of college. My son has it made with this company, and they bend over backwards to make sure he doesn't leave. In turn my son bends over backwards to make sure his wife doesn't leave lol.
