Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Yesterday was a GREAT day!

I had to get my TWIC card renewed and that's federal.

I walked in and was asked if I had filled out the renewal on line. I hadn't and the woman looked disappointed. I looked at her and asked her what her name was and she said it was Sue.

"Well, Sue, you are no longer a face and nameless government automaton. You are now a human being with a name and a face," I said.

It proved to be EXACTLY the right thing to say and she said she'd squeeze me in before her next appointment that was in a couple of minutes. I was in and out of there in record time.

Of course the rule I have is I will make anyone I meet happy even if you are one of those people that isn't happy unless you are miserable.

I crossed someone's path and instead of saying 'Excuse me' I opted for 'Merry Christmas' and got a Happy Holidays in return.

"Save your happy horse$hit for someone else stupid enough to believe you," I said. "I'm a ham radio operator and have spent the last four days on the air talking to people from all over the world and every Hundu, Jew, Taoist, Buddhist and Muslim I have spoken to has wished me a Merry Christmas so please help yourself and feel free to use the piece of mistletoe clipped to my shirt tail!"

I made two people happy in one day! 

Make that three. I was on the air and made a quick contact with a guy in Brazil. I opened his QRZ page and there was a picture of him and his salt and pepper haired wife with the most beautiful smile. 

I told him to go QRT a minute (shut down) and give his pretty wife a big kiss.

The band was open and his pileup was pretty good white noise so I left it. Then I called again and told him if he didn't I was going to fly down to Brazil and give her one from me.

He sounds like a truly happy man and I think I just made him a little happier. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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