Sunday, December 19, 2021

I just read where that chowderhead mayor of NY isnt approving any

natural gas permits in the city anymore.

Pimplebrain move. What are they going to heat with now? Coal? Wood? 

Hmmm... I do know of a guy that says he heated his home with junk mail. He had a device to roll newspaper and other junk mail into logs and he said he managed.

The next skyscraper is probably coal going to use as that's what some power plants use to make electricity. Of course NYC already has periodic brownouts which means they don't have enough electricity as it is.

Where do we get people like that idiot? 

All I can say is that if you live in NYC and voted for that imbecile you are getting exactly what you voted for.

The same thing holds with the pressure people are getting these day to get electric automobiles. It's a joke because the big shots are trying to steer us to a technology that really isn't ready yet.

For one thing the grid hasn't been built up enough to supply the necessary power to charge that many vehicles. 


In other news I just read where some woman is all upset because the guy she was dationg bailed out after she let on she had $380,000 in student debt.

My guess is it's a double Master's in something like woman's dance studies or fine art, neither of which is going to land her anything remotely close to a lucrative career with any remote chance of paying it off.

I can't say as I blame the guy. I'd have grabbed the eject handle and given it a good, hard jerk if I was in his shoes.

I don't know how it is out your way but $380K here will buy two pretty decent houses in the suburbs.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. People in New York will just move somewhere else until there isn't anyone left but chowderhead. He is turning New York into a dystopia. For that matter that is exactly what the Dems are going to be doing to us. I wonder if the women will be wearing red robes and white cones on their head?

    For $380,000 her degree better have been in medicine!

  2. My guess is it's a pair of Masters degrees.

    One in Woman's Dance Studies and the other in Puppetry.
