Monday, December 13, 2021

I read where Biden wants to set up 500,000 electric car charging stations.

What I want to know is where the electricity is going to come from.

Unlike what a lot of people think electricity doesn't originate in those little outlets you have in your house. In order to make that work we are going to have to open a lot more power generating stations.

What's going to run them? Coal? Natural gas? Nuclear power?

I did meet an electric car owner that wasn't some kind of naive noodnik that babbled about how he was saving the planet. He called his electric car a coal burner which I suppose it is. Either that or it's a nuke or maybe a natural gas burner. It depends on what the power plant supplying his electricity is running on.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. How about the cost just to set up electric fueling stations? Right now there isn't any payment for using electric when fueling. The states are going to have to come up with some way to make money on this. Electricity is not the answer for everything.

    1. Your point is taken but before you can pay for something it has to be a commodity. Where is the electricity going to come from to begin with? It isn't magic. It has to be produced from somewhere. Where?

  2. Off track, but did you hear where the dems want to get rid of gas stoves and only have electric?
    People use their air conditioning in the summer especially when you have extremely hot and humid weather. What happens when there are rolling blackouts? So let's say wind power, nuclear power. Coal isn't going to work and these idiots want to get rid of gas. These idiots have no idea what they are doing. Their "green" plans are obviously not well thought out. These plans are going to turn the color of "brown".

  3. After thought:You would have to build more nuclear power plants and where would you put them? People surely don't want them near their backyards. Look what happened to 3 Mile Island. We could use hydroelectric power like Niagara falls does. All this is a major undertaking.

    1. Exactly and before we start we have to put the infrastructure up so as to be able to support this Jetson's style world they have designed for us.

      Back in the day the hippies could tear up anything you put in front of them but never seemed to have a working replacement. You can't feed a wife and kids on creative energy or good vibes.
