Sunday, June 26, 2022

Clarence Thomas, who I happen to adore

said that gay marriage could become another issue coming down the pike.

I don't think that it will be marriage itself but the fact that every state has to recognize it. Again, people will scream that SCOTUS wants to outlaw gay marriage and as usual it's a smoke screeen. SCOTUS would likely simply throw it back to the individual states to decide.

A few years back SCOTUS said all states have to recognize same sex marriages performed in other states.

I have always held with marriage being a religious thing to begin with. If two people want to get married then go find a member of the appropriate clergy willing to perform the ceremony and have at it.

If one clergyman is unwilling to perform the ceremony then find one who will.

As far as the state goes, I don't think they should be in the marriage business. What they should be doing is performing civil unions for any two beings that want to be civilly united.

When same sex unions (of any kind) came up years ago I was not a supporter until someone pointed out that everyone should have the right to pass on their goods and garbage to someone else without government interference. Spot on.

Besides, gays have the right to be just as miserable as the rest of us.

Still, the fact remains that marriage of any sort is more of a state issue than a federal one. Marriage isn't mentioned in the Constitution therefore the 10th Amendment applies here. This is strictly a state issue.

Actually the Gospel According to Piccolo says that whoever someone chooses to marry or civilly unite with is none of my business because it doesn't break my leg, pick my pocket or rob me of my God given rights.


The other thing that the left is screeching about is that SCOTUS has overturned Roe vs Wade. By doing that SCOTUS has not banned abortion whatsoever. There is no federal level ban on abortion whatsoever. None.

In fact the federal government simply relinquished control of abortion. They have no say in it whatsoever. Nothing!

Of course all sorts of screeching women are up in arms because they do not know what happened because none of them have ever read the Constitution or if they have it has not sunk in.

Roe vs Wade was a ruling made over a state issue and SCOTUS never should have heard the case to begin with. 

Of course women are screaming that they are losing a Constitutional right which they never had at any time. While they had a legal right, they never had a Constitutional right and there's a very big difference. Nowhere in the Constitution is abortion ever even mentioned. The 10th Amendment applies here and that says that anything not in the Constitution itself is reserved for the states and the people, respectively.

That being said, abortion is a state issue and should be treated as such. As it looks now, some states will outlaw it in various degrees but other states won't and it looks like places like NJ, NY and CA will probably be hosting abortion junkets to their states. 

I can picture an abortion junket in a van to, say, NJ. "Hey, Janie! I see ya got knocked up again! Nice seeing you again! How ya doin'?"

What irks me the most is that how many Americans have never even bothered to read their Constitution and understand how things work.

There's no 'Well, I feel' about it. The way the federal government works is laid out in black and white and is written simply enough that anyone with a 6th grade education can read it and understand it or at least figure it out.


One other thing.

Has anyone bothered to look at pictures of the woman that are protesting this? I have and the women that are carrying signs saying that until abortion is legal thay won't have sex with men.

Interesting how practically all of those women threatening not to have sex are the ones you wouldn't want to be caught dead waking up next to.

Who even wants to have sex with most of them? I sure wouldn't. Most of those women are just plain nasty!

The term 'Coyote ugly' comes to mind. Many of them are double coyote ugly!

Most men know what coyote ugly is. If you don't look it up in the urban dictionary. 

Double coyote ugly is when you gnaw your remaining arm off because you know she'll be looking for a one armed man!


I just read where the Texas GOP wants to declare homosexuality an abnormal lifestyle.

I suppose in a way it is. It's different than the norm. So what? Then again, when was the last time a gay broke your leg, picked your pocket or tried to strip you of your God given rights?

How about if you simply leave the gays alone?

Republicans. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory as usual. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Pic, once again you are right on the money. I do not think the government should be involved in marriage, abortion, free meals, health care, and the list goes on. Keep on truckin', as we used to say!
