Thursday, June 2, 2022

I just read where an Ohio woman died at Yellowstone after being gored my a bison.

And while I wish nothing bad on a person like that it is rather difficult for me to muster up a whole lot of sympathy.

There are warnings posted all over the place telling people to steer clear of the bears, bison and other animals. 

Yet people ignore the warnings because they just KNOW that Mrs. Bear will come along and recognize him as a nice animal loving person that just wants to pet her and play with her cubs. Ater all, she saw how all the animals get along together when she watched Bambi.

I'm fresh out of care to give today when someone like that wins a Darwin award and the truth is sometimes I wish more people did because I grow convinced that humanity as a race is growing stupider by the day.

I got fed up with someone that just knew that feeding corn to the deer in wintertime was the right thing to do. She explained that she was an animal lover which meant to her that she knew everyting about animals.

I suggested she go to Yellowstone in the spring and told her how much fun she would have playing with a nice young bear cub. I'm sure the sow would just love to see her cub being doted on by a real animal lover.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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