Wednesday, June 8, 2022

No more mean tweets.

I went shopping today for some coffee creamer of the type I have been using for years. I tried 4 places.

But that's OK. No more mean tweets.

I went to the store on gasoline that's over $5.00/ gallon. But that's OK because no more mean tweets.

They were selling a head of lettuce for over $3/head which surprised me because I thought that lettuce delivered itself but I found out otherwise. Diesel is now $6.92 nationally. But that's OK because no more mean tweets.

The quality of meats and produce has taken a nosedive and the prices are soaring. But that's OK because no more mean tweets.

The entire economy is going down the sinkhole but that's OK because no more mean tweets.

Of course the current administration is blaming the current rate of inflation on Trump but nobody's buyin' it.

Today while shopping as I saw the hole in the dairy cabinet I said aloud to myself, "This shortage is OK by me because no more mean tweets."

The guy behind me laughed and said back to me, "I could use a little $2 gasoline even if it means I had to deal with mean tweets."

"No lie, G.I.," I replied.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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