Saturday, March 3, 2018

I am an American and therefore I am a criminal

of some sort or another.

The real reason I am not in jail is because I live pretty responsibly. I cause as little harm as I can to everyone else. I simply go about my business in a reasonable manner.

I seldom if ever look at my speedometer while driving in residential neighborhoods and have never been stopped because I keep my speed safe and reasonable. As a general rule, I don't even look at speed limit signs in residential plans because I drive slow enough to be able to stop instantly. 

I don't do this because of some dopey sign, I do it because it is the right thing to do. I don't want to hurt anybody. In fact, when I see a ball of any sort go into the street I stop instantly because there is a pretty good chance some kid will be chasing it.

I am not involved with the use or sale of narcotics simply because I think it is a stupid thing to do. I have better things to do with my life and money. If you do use illegal drugs, please do not even think of dragging me into your weird little world. If you try you will not get very far.

I own no machine guns, grenade launchers, tanks, cannons or bazookas simply because I have no real use for them. They are expensive and I have no place to responsibly use them. 

I suppose if I was rich enough to have a couple hundred square miles I might consider it, but probably not. I'm not a machine gun, tank or cannon kind of guy. I'd probably buy a P-51 Mustang and learn to fly it.

It's certainly not the law that keeps me from doing things, it's my personal desire to live in a civilized and responsible manner. The laws enacted buy the various forms of state, federal and local government really don't mean a whole lot to me. I just pay the taxes I have to and quietly live responsibly.

I'm certainly not alone. There are millions and millions of Americans that live that way.  

What makes me laugh is that so many congress people think they are some kind of a ruling class and that we will blindly obey them. 

Of course, they play their games, and we play ours.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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