Saturday, March 10, 2018

One of the things I will not tolerate is rude.

In many ways it is a shame that a pocket pistol isn't more common than it is. 

Back between about 1880 and 1920 a large percentage of men carried pocket pistols and as a result society was a lot more polite.

You can say what you will but there were a lot fewer shootings than you would believe, too. That's because people behaved themselves because they didn't want to start trouble that they knew they couldn't get away with.

There is a lot to be said about this.

For a short period of time the police used to enforce the various assault and battery laws a little differently. If someone did something rude and got socked for their troubles the police generally figured the troublemaker had it coming and simply ignored it.

Something to be said for that, too.

Now the problem with things is that there is no consequences for rudeness. Therefore people are rude because they can get away with it.

How many times do we hear some troublemaker screeching that he'll call the police if someone hits him after he's called someone foul names or something to that effect.

A few years back I heard a young teenager calling his father some kind of an unclean oral copulater. I looked at the father and he explained the boy would call child services on him if he did anything about it.

I told the boy that if he talked to me that way I'd knock him senseless and there wasn't a damned thing either he or his father could do because I was getting on a plane for Alaska in a couple of hours.

I wouldn't be writing about this if the kid hadn't lipped off to me and gotten a damned good Old School smackdown. I'm not much of a pugilist according to the rules laid out by Marquis of Queensbury. I cheated. He got a pretty good cuffing and he was so surprised he hit the floor.

Looking back on this I do believe I very well may have saved the young man's life. He discovered there were consequences for rude behavior.

Actually in this day and age a lot of people get away with rude behavior simply because nobody even calls them up on it anymore.  We've probably been ground down too much. we're afraid to speak up.

I don't believe that in most instances a punch or a gunshot is necessary to change someone's behavior. Just being brought up short will do it for the most part.

On the other hand there are still enough people out there that are not going to give it a rest until they suffer some sort of physical pain. 

Many of these are woman that hide behind their sex. I had a hippie chick refuse to leave my property once. Just as I was reaching for a heavy object I had a change of heart and reached for the phone and called the police. The cop didn't cart her off but he did give her a summons. It cost her money. Close enough. 

Whatever. Still, it really is the duty of us all to do what we can to try and make society civil again.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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