Sunday, January 24, 2021

Breakfast today was half a can of dog food (corned beef hash) and a couple of eggs on top.

Which was OK all things considered. 

Still, today is going to be a sucky day because my sleep patterns have been messed with. 

Yesterday I decided to take a quick nap for about an hour and went down hard for about 8 hours which is totally abnormal and I know ruined my night sleep later on.

This hasn't happened to me in decades and it makes me wonder about a lot of things. Am I fighting something? 

The last time I had the flu, about 20 something years ago I managed to knock it out in a short time because I slept it away. I'd wake up, eat, have a couple of drinks and go back to sleep for another 8 hours or so. I think I slept over 18 hours a day for a couple of days and when I emerged the flu was gone.

I also remember one time at work circa 1991 when I ran myself ragged,  going without sleep for a couple of days. On top of that I realized I was probably trying to fight off a cold or something.

We got lucky and were tied up for a couple of days and I went down HARD for almost 18 straight hours into a deep coma. I didn't wake up to pee or anything and my shipmate said I never made a sound.

I came around feeling very refreshed and knew that I had beaten whatever I had been fighting.

It's possible I am fighting Covid now but have no clue. I doubt it, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Update. It hasn't been a bad day. I think I'm going to go right back on schedule tonight although maybe I'll sack out an hour or so later than usual. Maybe not. We'll see.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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