Sunday, February 7, 2021

Yes. My social security number really is six.

Zero zero zero-- zero zero-- zero zero zero SIX!

It was given to me personally by President Roosevelt back in 1935. My name was drawn by lottery to be one of the first ten to receive their social security cards and the government even sent me a special train ticket to go to the big city of Washington DC.

It was very exciting because I had never been on a train before. In fact, I had never been out of the county and had only been to the county seat with Pa twice. He wouldn't let Uncle Tim take me because he said we'd get in trouble because Uncle Tim liked to pull a cork.

The train ride was confusing when I had to change trains but I asked the nice railroad people and they showed me where to go and what to do so I always got on the right train. There was also a car where I could sleep but I didn't sleep very well with all the excitement. Mostly I just looked out the window along the way.

When I got to the Washington train station I was kind of lost but then I saw a soldier shouting my name and went over to him. He told me President Roosevelt had sent him to find me and make sure I was OK. That was sure nice of the President or I would have been lost.

I was glad the nice soldier took care of me because Washington was very confusing to me. There were bright lights flashing everywhere, cars going in all directions and all sorts of painted up city women. The soldier told me to stay away from the painted up city women because they could be trouble.

They put me up in a really nice place that a running water toilet! I was amazed. It was more comfortable than home was! I slept real good and in the morning they took me to a fancy dining room and fed me breakfast which was kind of small. 

I only got two eggs, three strips of bacon and a few fried potatoes. It wasn't like the breakfasts Momma made for me which was about 6 eggs, a slab of ham and a big stack of pancakes with a gallon of coffee but I guess it was OK. 

Anyway, after breakfast I went back to the room and put on the shirt Momma had ironed up and the hand painted necktie Uncle Tim had given me. It had a hula girl painted on it. Uncle Tim was a salesman and went all over the place and was always bringing me gifts from all over.

We went to the White House and President Roosevelt gave us our cards while a whole bunch of pushy people took our pictures for the newspapers. There were a lot of flashes and I had to sort of look away from them because it bothered my eyes.

President Roosevelt told me he liked my necktie, too.

Afterwards we got served coffee and doughnuts and they offered to take a couple of days to show us around but I told them I had to get back to help Momma and Pa with the chores.

They took me back to the place I had slept and I got my suitcase and then they put me on a train and I came back home again. 

With all of the confusion of the big city I was sure glad to be back home again. Dad was impressed to see my new government made Social Security card, too.

Anyway, that's why my Social Security number is six.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Ok what did I miss here. 1935, but you are 70 so born 1951. How could you been given that? I'm confused 🤔. sr

    1. Because I was born in 1911 and in 1929 I bought myself a brand new car when I finished high school. If you do not believe me, ask the car warranty people the next time they call.
      I have been trying to get a warranty on hat car for some time now.

  2. I looked up this information and they say they never use 0000. sr
