Friday, February 4, 2022

An open letter to Whoopi Goldberg.

You're looking at a two week suspension from "The View" and you say if you're suspended you're going to quit.

So quit.

Bet you don't. You're all mouth. You'll take the suspension after you ran your mouth and that will be that. No guts.

You said you were going to leave the country if Donald Trump got elected and you're still here. This time put your money where your mouth is.

You act like the rest of us working stiffs listen to you and you are relevent. Well you're not. Three days after you are gone nobody will remember who you are and you know it and that scares the holy hell out of you. You'll be forgotten. You're on your last legs because your Hollywood career is long over. Nobody in Tinsel Town loves you anymore. If they did you'd still be making high budget movies. 

You are reduced to a third rate television commentary and that's the best you can hope for otherwise you'd be doing something else.

Fact is you'll cave in and after your suspension you'll come crawling back 

In fact a lot of us WANT you to quit because we're tired of your stupidity. 

Quit. Back up your bull$hit. For once do what you say you are going to do. Show the courage to go out in a blaze of glory. Quit. PLEASE quit because if you do you will wind up under a rock somewhere and the rest of us will never have to put up with any more of your stupid bill$hit.

And while you're at it give the Jews back the name you stole from them  and go back to the one you were born with Ms. Caryn Elaine Johnson.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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