Thursday, February 17, 2022

One of the stupidest things I have seen yet

are the people that support Trudeau using the emergency powers laws.

Trudeau has threatened to seize bank accounts and do a lot more than that to truckers and their supporters.

"This is great! We'll show those anti vaxxer truckers! Seize every dime they have! Force them into compliance!"

This is a classical case of Stupid.

What the idiots seem to forget is that if they can do it to one group they can do it to anybody but people don't see that far ahead.

Trudeau should have already been ousted. Some say beheaded but I'll say different.

There's already too much killing in this world. When you kill someone they're gone, dead, buried and forgotten. It's too damned easy.

What one should do with tyrants is put them in a cage at the zoo and let him live the rest of his life out publicly. You fed him well, give him the proper medical attention and make him live his life in the open. 

I suppose decency requires he gets clothes and there's always the stuff Goodwill can't sell but you leave else everything open. Don't even give him any privacy to use the toilet.

I used to say 'Death to tyrants' but now that I have gotten a lot older and far more crueler, I say 'Long live the zoo...where they can be remembered and serve as an example of what happens to tyrants.

Maybe instead of tormenting small animals the sickies could go to the zoo and torment the tyrant and give the animals a much needed break. In clement weather leave the cage bars wide enough so people can throw stuff at him.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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