Sunday, June 11, 2023

Someone asked me my opinion on reparations.

so here's my take on it.

A one time payout of $25,000 and a one way ticket to the country of your choice. I think I read where Ghana has some kind of law of the return so that might work.

However, you can not return to the States for any reason whatsoever UNLESS you pay it all back. Every single penny of it, ticket and processing costs included. That's not as easy as it sounds.

If caught stateside you will be returned to where you came from by being handed a parachute and dropped back into the country you opted for. The second time you don't get a parachute. You just get dropped off.

Anybody that signs up for that deal is just plain stupid and that's the beautiful part about it. It gets rid of stupid people and passes them off to someplace else.

Hell, even at $50,000 it's one hell of a good deal to the taxpayer because stupid people (of any color) cost us a lot more than $50,000 in the course of their lifetimes. Stupid people drag us all down.

330,00 Union soldiers died and 275,000 were torn up during the Civil War. How about THEIR families getting something for what they lost. As slaves you were not being killed or really mistreated or abused.

While we're at it, let's look at the business of what a slave in the South really was and how they were treated. 

Buying a slave was not cheap. They were expensive and required food, clothing and shelter to be kept in good condition. The concept of hurting or injuring a slave made no sense at all because it kept them from doing what they were purchased to do which is work.

An injured slave can not work as well as a healthy slave, if at all so it made it wise to keep them healthy. You also have to remember that none of the 'miracle drugs' appeared until well into the 20th century and that whipping someone often led to crippling serious infection and/or even death.

A farmer doesn't beat up his tractor and it made sense a plantation owner wouldn't beat up his slaves.

As a general rule slaves were treated fairly well so long as they performed their job. 

Actually by the time the Civil War rolled around slavery was a dying institution. We were on the verge of an industrial revolution of sorts and the use of machinery to replace human labor was beginning to take hold. The cotton gin was starting to get popular use around 1800.

Left the way things were before the Civill War, slavery would not have reached the 20th century. 

In fact under many circumstances slaves had it a lot easier than poor whites did. There were virtually guaranteed food, clothing and shelter.  Free whites were not guaranteed anything.

Actually African blacks were on their own in Africa to feed and clothe themselves. An awful lot of them probably were better off than slave were in the States.

Reparations for what?

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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