Friday, November 10, 2023

Raiders of the Lost Ark. The adaptation.

I just found on line for $15 and purchased it.

It's a shot by shot remake of the original made by three kids that were 11 when when they started the project and worked on it until they left high school. The only scene left undone was the airplane scene where Indy fight the big mechanic that gets chopped up by the propeller. 

A couple of decades later they completed it. It's in the copy I just bought.

You have to remember that Spielberg had a budget of somewhere near $20 million bucks to make the original and the kids had their allowances. Later they figured they had about $5000 into it  over six or seven years.

You can find parts of it on Youtube and from what I saw it's pretty damned good.

One thing that's funny is they didn't remake all the shots in sequence. They made them and put them together later on. It's funny watching Indy go from a 16 yo in one scene and the next scene he's 12 years old.

Anyway, that's going to be Thanksgiving entertainment at my brother in law's place.

I suppose it is not for everyone because a lot of people don't understand context. This is NOT a movie made on a multi million dollar budget but by three kids (and extras recruited from the school playground). 

To the grumblers I ask, "Could you have done that when you were 12 years old? Hell, you couldn't even do it now!"


When Spielberg saw it he said he was flattered and in the dog eat dog world of Hollywood and copyright laws nobody ever even looked at considering legal copyright laws. That in itself says a lot.

Here's a link to check out. My guess is that it's going to be a very worthwhile $15 I spent.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. So, how awesome was it? Via just your description, was wishing there was a "click to purchase dvd" button.

  2. It's coming in tonight on the evening stage. Expect a review inside the next couple of days.

