Saturday, November 4, 2023

I see where Sleepy Joe the pants wetter is headed to Maine

to console the victims of the most recent shooting there.

He doesn't give a damn about the people in Maine that got shot. Not even a little bit. He's just using their deaths to promote his agenda as the left has been doing for decades.

He's not sad that the shooting occurred, he's tickled pink so he can use it to further himself. Great sadness, my ass. He's happier than a pig in $hit.

He's just using the deaths of several Maine residents to further his little political agenda and ram some form of gun control down our throats. He's using the dead bodies of good people just to further himself and make a grab for power. 

It's a good thing for me that it happened in Maine instead of in my area because I would likely be carted off by the Secret Service for pointing this out to the crowd. 

I hope the good people of Maine run that dirty bastard out of their state so they can bury their dead with a little dignity.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Bravo! It's about time someone called slo jo out and his shenanigans. I have heard no one yet on main stream media point out that over 90% of the so called mass shootings take place in 'gun free zones'. It doesn't fit the agenda I suppose.
