Wednesday, November 1, 2023

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of doing little or nothing.

Soon I am going to find myself a retirement job that will fit me.

As a retired sailor this is going to be rather interesting as the real reason sailors go to sea is because they do not do well ashore. Working on the water is an ideal home for the a certain breed of misfit.

I miss working on the water because I miss the work and I miss the men.

The real reason I even bothered to retire is because I objectively realized that as an old man I would possibly let my shipmates down if push came to shove. 

I'm only 99.999999999999999% anymore in the thinking department and about 99.% in the physical department.

When I had to ask for help to keep one of my shipmates from falling over the side it was a wake-up call.

I'm thinking of a respectable career as a shopping cart wrangler for a few hours a week. We'll see.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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