Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It is another morning and I have to face the keyboard again

and U do not know where to start except to say that I am glad to be alive as it is going to be a pretty day.

I might go hilltopping today if the 20 meter band looks like it will open up as I have 3 more QSL cards to get before I have all 50 states collected. Although I have WORKED all 50 states, a couple of people have not sent me QSL card confirming this.

I have noticed that at least 2 of he three PROMISED me on the air that one would be forthcoming but I guess we know how that is. They make a big deal of it in front of their friends to prove how cool and generous they are but reality is just another thing entirely. I'll just rework the three.

I just clicked on the big set and I just checked in on the YLISSB net and will monitor it as I post. I am listening for any of my needed 3 states but I am standing by in case anyone needs PA.

Last night I checked into the Century Club 40 meter net and became Mister Popularity. Eight QSOs in a brief time. I had to write things down fast.

Generally I fill out the QSL cards as I QSO and even the envelopes and have them ready so when I shut down the rig I can go straight to bed but things got busy toward the end and I guess a few guys needed PA.

I managed to keep up with the cards but after the rig got shut down I had to address the envelopes and stamp them. This morning I put ten pieces of mail in the outgoing box.

I generally put my outgoing mail in the neighbor across the street's box as I can see it better than my own which is on the up the street end of my lot. Their box is directly across the street. I can see it better.

When their flag goes down it means the mail has arrived.

They do not mind this at all. In fact he told me he gets a boot out of looking to see where I have communicated with because once in a while when he puts his own mail out he looks to see where the cards are addressed.

Guys are generally interested in stuff like that.

My bills and other boring stuff go into my own mail box.

It has gotten 2 degrees warmer since I started writing this and that is a goood thing. I may take the Mazda out today.

In the background it looks like 20 meters is scratchy. While I did manage to check in OK, I can not hear a lot of other check ins. Maybe today isn't the day or maybe the band will clear up later on.

What is funny is that there are 2 net controls. One of them is a guy with a computer keeping track of things and the other is a woman that has no computer and uses a pencil and paper and her memory. When the two of them swap notes there is seldom a discreppancy but if there is, generally she proves to be right. The woman is amazing.

One of the things I like about the YL net is that the whole thing is full of little pleasantries that are exchanged. Women tend to bring a few nicities into things and as I have gotten older I appreciate them a little more.

Anyway, here's to today and I guess I just pulled another post out of my ass by just looking around and going about my business.

Good morning!

my other blog is: http://officerpiccolo.blogspot.com/ http://piccolosbutler.blogspot.com/


  1. Jada still net control?

  2. Jda? Yes she is. She has a hard drive between her ears that probably holds 18 jillion gigs.

    I do not know how she does it.
