Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I just finished sharpening my main kitchen knife

with a simple, inexpensive draw through knife sharpener. It probably took less than a minute to get it up to snuff.

It's a simple Green River Hunter I paid about ten bucks for years ago. It's not much. It would be just as at home in deer camp or a tackle box as it is in my kitchen. It coule easily gut a deer of clean fish and I have cleaned fish with it.

I bought just the blade and made a walnut handle for it and it does just fine. It's a simple cutting tool and that's what I use it for. I use it to cut things. 

I do not claim to be any kind of a chef. I'm a pretty good basic Old School cook. I don't mince onion or pepper or much of anything. I just cut it up. A French chef's knife is worthless to me even though I have one.

In fact, a Ka-Bar is probably more useful to me in the kitchen as a French chef's knife. I actually used a Ka-Bar as a kitchen knife briefly. It was a bit cumbersome but I kept it sharp and did the job.

As for the sharpener, it's a simple inexpensive draw through that makes knife snobs and bladesmiths cringe but it sharpens the knife well enough so that it cuts quite well. Why bother with fancy sharpeners and steels when the nickel-dime draw sharpener does the ob so well? It's not like the old workhorse is a thoroughbred or a priceless antique.

Anyway, I sharpened my knife and that's how I spent about a minute of the day.


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