Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Someone asked me why he found a cigarette butt on deck on a boat nobody smoke on.

Which is an interesting question..

Over the years I have picked up dozens of them off of the deck of various tankers, a couple of which had no smokers onboard.

They are a pain in the ass and when Is see one I pounce on it and pick it up and get rid of it. It's trouble.

I can't think of a single seaman I know that would even consider lighting up on the deck of a tanker of any sort.  It's just not done.

I suppose the exception may be when the vessel is in the shipyard and is gas free. A lot of shipyard workers do smoke and occasionally under the circumstances a crewman might. After a yard layup you can find butts in odd places for a while.

The guy that asked about it was on a vessel that had been out of the yard for over a year and the butt he found was fairly new. It hadn't been exposed to the weather for very long.

The reason he asked me about it is because if a Coastie finds one during an inspection he's likely to raise hell about it. He'll often find the first person he can that smokes and give him hell.

Truth is from time to time a butt shows up out of nowhere and it drives the finder nuts trying to figure out where it came from.

I have noticed that this weird occasion happens more to inland and harbor vessels than it does to seagoing vessels.

The best explanation I can make is they occasionally fall off of bridges the vessel passes under.

That or there's a guy running around sneaking aboard and throwing them there to drive us insane.

Maybe it's that guy. That little man. The one with the funny little beard, the pointy hat, a brown shoe and a black shoe and green pants and a yellow shirt that keeps sneaking up on everyone.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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