Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Oh, good. They changed the pancake mix box. Maybe we'll have world peace now.

I'm well behind enemy lines as I write this. I am in San Francisco and just muttered that statement aloud while grocery shopping. Sometimes I gotta stop muttering things like Popeye used to.

I heard a snarf behind me and turned to see an old black man that was clearly amused. 

He looked at me and I said to him "The Aunt Jemima they replaced looked like a college idiot that couldn't cook worth a $hit. She'd try and tell a campful of loggers that all they needed was a teaspoon of tofu mixed with a teaspoon of granola and a pancake the size of a half-dollar to go to work on." 

"You're right," he said. "She looked like a college educated woman. She looked like she probably couldn't cook very well, at least not for lumberjacks."

"Now the one before her looked like she knew her stuff!" I said. "She could COOK! About four of five huge flapjacks and no maple syrup. She'd likely use sausage in gravy to smother them with and top that off with a half pound of bacon and three or four fried eggs!"

"That sounds pretty good," he said. "I wonder what she'd make for lunch?"

"Forget it," I shot back. "We're both too old and fat to be eating like that anymore." We both laughed. 

I got lucky there. It was an old man that overheard me. Us old guys tend to stick together. We've got a lot more in common with each other than we do with a lot of the bickering young people.Had I been overheard by some youngster with a chip on their shoulder it might have been different. 

I probably have far more in common with an old black man than I do with almost all younger whites.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Most all of such rebranding decisions are made by spineless, white Gen-Xers, hoping in vain to appear 'woke' enough to placate the ever hungrier dragon of left wing Gen Z white kids that break things and riot at the slightest perception of 'injustice.' As the dragon grows, so does its appetite, and for less and less reason will it turn to eat you.

    Very, very little of such nonsense changes are brought about, let alone requested by the black community.

  2. Get Aunt Jamima back everybody in America loved her just as she was!Ali bring back Sambos its a classic and a wonderful fairy tale.never offended any one.
