Monday, July 11, 2022

SOmeone asked me the time which in this day and age was a little odd

because everyone carrys cell phones.

"Fifteen fif...Quarter past three," I replied.

They asked me why my watch is set to a 24 hour format. I told them to look at my life.

Practically my entire life runs on a 24 hour format. At work all times are given in the 24 hour format. That covers over half of my life right off the bat.

I'm a ham radio operator and all ham radio is conducted on UTC (sometimes still referred to as Greenwich Mean Time) which is a 24 hour format. The bulk of my entire being runs on a 24 hour format.

When I lived in Alsaka during the summer I ran a 24 hour format because it was sometimes difficult to determine day from night. Try taking a late afternoon nap starting at maybe 5:30 and waking up at, say 7PM. You look at your watch and the sun is still very high and wonder if you are waking up from a nap or you slept on through and you're late for work. If your watch reads 1900 you know what's going on.

I admit I live in an entirely different world than most and have about all of my life. When someone commented on it I replied that the reason he has such a nice, clean life is because some of us do take a different path. When he said that he looked confused.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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