Thursday, October 20, 2022

Still in the hotel.

And someone asked me for a ride to the local liquor store. I had just popped a beer and have a policy of not driving even after one.

Of course when I told him that I got the usual "You're OK. Be cool, man. Help a brother out" crap.

I asked him where his car was and he told me he got a DUI.

"So you want me to get one, too?" I asked. "Some guy you are."

Say I did and for some reason the cop pushed the issue of falsified the blood test, whatever, Is he going to pay my fine? Is he going to pay my cab fare? Is he going to pay my paycheck when I can't renew my seaman's papers?

Oh, if it happened, he'd tell me how sorry it is and hand me a beer to make up for it but that ain't going to undo a damned thing.

Then comes the "Man, don't be an a$$hole1" line.

"I'm not being an a$$hole. YOU are being one for asking me to risk MY license and career so YOU can have a lousy six-pack, How about don't YOU be an a$$hole!"

He didn't like that too much but screw him. 

Years ago I might have done it but as I age I get the wisdom I should have had when I was younger.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. As someone who has worked the local DUI court, the level of bad judgement by that crowd is astounding.

    Probably a third are frequent flyers, while the other 2/3 are dummies who played stupid games and won their prizes.
