Shot pretty well today. Score was 455 out of 500 which is an expert score. I also had a 1X Clean for my sitting rapid fire. Admittedly I didn't shoot the offhand standing on my feet. I'm too palsied up these days to get the rifle to settle down.
Couple that with bad eyesight these days and that it is what it is. Still, it's good to be able to get out and compete.
One thing happened was interesting. A newer guy asked a range officer why I wasn't shooting the offhand portion on my feel like everyone else. His question didn't have a belligerent air about it. I think he was just curious.
The RO replied that I was shooting out of competition and that my scores don't get sent into the NRA. A couple of the other guys chimed in also and pointed out I had spent a lot of time over the years working on the range to make it so nice.
One of the old school guys that doesn't shoot anymore but never misses a match replied "Because he's a pain in the ass but he's OUR pain in the ass so we let him." Everyone had a chuckle with that one.
Still I was humbled that the guys stuck up for me.
Another guy bet the new guy I'd beat him in the first rapid with my bolt gun and thank God he didn't let me know he had made the bet otherwise I would have probably choked. I got lucky and shot a 1X clean, 100 points with one X. I have not shot a clean in years so it felt damned good.
Fact is, in the rapids a guy with a gas gun has the advantage because he has more time to squeeze off his shots. With a bolt gun he has to work the bolt between shots and as a result I was busy as hell during the rapids. I could load the magazine which holds 6 and single load the last four. Getting all of my rounds off aimed meant I had to have fast hands and a quick eye but I managed. I'm proud of that clean, low X count or not.
It was the ride to the match that set the mood. While I ran into a convenience store a young man I've seen around held the door for me and I put on an old man's cracked voice and said, "Thank you, Sonny. It's nice seeing a young fella like you being kind to a senior citizen. You mother raised you well and taught you good manners."
He gave me a big grin and said, Forget it, Pops. I just didn't want to get shanked. You old guys are not afraid of life sentences anymore."
Sharp kid with a great comeback! What iced the cake is the look of outrage on the face of a middle aged woman that heard him. It started my day off rather well.
I now have a six year old pen pal across the street. She's a cutie and I asked her if she waned to be my pen pal after checking with her dad a couple of days ago.
Yesterday she handed me a letter inviting me to sit with her on the porch when it's finished. Admittedly I had a bit of a hard time reading her six year old writing but I figured it out quickly.
My answer to her is in the mailbox along with an SASE to make it easy for her to reply.
She's a real heart stealer.
To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY