Monday, May 13, 2024

Hello. I am a white heterosexuals male.

So what? Who cares?

As of late among the guys I hang with I've occasionally asked about their attitudes toward the entire LGBTQ whatever community and the general consensus is that almost all of them have a connection of some sort with a member of the community.

One guy put it well. We ALL have some kind of skeleton in our closets. He's probably right. This guy said he has a lesbian daughter.

(When he said that I asked him what part of Lesbia she came from and it took him a second to think about it and grinned. He knows my sense of humor)

Practically everyone has a connection with the community. It could be a gay friend or neighbor, a queer Uncle Ned, a lesbian third cousin three times removed. It could be great aunt retired schoolmarm, whatever.

I remember the time I was probably about 30 and asked my dad what the deal was on my great aunt who was six days older than dirt and an unmarried retired schoolteacher. He laughed and said she was my mother's favorite aunt and he wasn't going to touch that one with a ten foot pole. That was probably around 1981.

I have a TG nephew that I was glad to see transgender because she truly sucked at being a chick. He went from being a royal PITA with every fault known to the female sex to being a pretty good guy to have a beer with. Say what you will but he used to be a royal pain in the ass and now he's not and another nephew says that it's probably the first time he's been comfortable in his own skin. I believe it.

Anyway the point here is that I have a hard time finding all the homophobia the LGBTQ 'leadership' pisses and moans about. 

The old days of fag bashing and prejudice toward the gay community is long gone and a part of history. 

The evil heterosexual white males that the various racial/sexual/whatever groups simply don't care. They just want what everyone else does. They want to be left alone.

The way I see it is that the LGBTQ 'leadership' is continuing to beat a dead horse in a desperate attempt to stay relevant. They remind me of Al Sharpton. When the prejudice goes away then high muckety mucks in whatever organization stop making money.

The so-called leadership these days does no favors for the average person in the group. The straight community is just plain sick and tired of listening to it. The bulk of us have made our peace with the individual members of the LGBTQ community pretty much in the same way we have made our peace with everyone else. Most of us make our peace with individuals and not groups. There are members of a lot of various groups we love dearly and other members of the same group that we can't stand to be near.

Much to her credit, the woman that started MADD has dropped out because she said her mission was accomplished. She wanted to see DUI laws enacted and enforced. She did what she set out to do and went back to being a 'private citizen'.

Needless to say, the organization is still in action because there's money to be made there.

I wonder if I could make a few bucks by forming the Disinterested Citizens Concern Committee (Motto: Who Gives a Phuque?) and get people that are sick and tired of the general BS to pitch in and make the rest of the stupid agenda driven organizations that are irrevelant go away.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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