Saturday, September 30, 2017

I just saw where some librarian in Cambridge, MA insulted Melania Trump

over some books that Mrs. Trump sent to her school library. The librarian refused them and made comments on Mrs. Trump’s choice which was Dr. Suess.

I would imagine that if the gift came from Michelle Obama the books would be placed in a diamond encrusted gold framed glass case of some sort. I’m assuming the librarian wanted to make a political statement of some sort.

Personally I am getting sick and tired of people making rude political statements. It’s gotten pretty old and I am going to have to pin the bulk of this behavior on the left because it seems that that’s where most of it is coming from.

The librarian ought to be fired and given a miserable recommendation so she can’t get another job in education. This is not because she doesn’t like Melania Trump. That’s her right. She ought to be fired simply for displaying poor manners. She’s embarrassed her entire school system as well as the country.

One of the things that people fail to receive with a liberal education is any training in manners and it shows. It makes me wonder about things.
I have noticed over the years that an awful lot of little guys that would have kept their mouths shut back in the day are pretty confident running their mouths now. It wasn’t all that many years ago I lit up a teenager for animal cruelty and I can’t help but wonder what would happen if I lit someone up for bad manners.

People forget that unless it is something very serious that the police really are not going to make a concerted effort to try and figure out who socked someone in the eye. Cops are smart enough to know that true innocent victims are pretty rare and if a guy gets punched out there is more often than not a reason. People generally don’t go punching people for nothing. Cops know this and for the most part are not going to move heaven and earth to catch someone that more likely than not gave someone a comeuppance.

I am not stupid. I certainly would not smack anyone in my neighborhood or even in the general area because I would be easily recognized and easily busted. Still, if I am out of town it becomes increasingly difficult to behave myself when I encounter rude behavior.

While I don’t think the rude librarian needs her face rearranged, I do think that a few years of poverty would do her good. Fire her.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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