Sunday, July 25, 2021

I am losing weight which is a good thing.

It's actually pretty easy if you're even a little bit disciplined.

You don't have to starve. 

You just eliminate bread, rice, pasta and beans and anything with a lot of carbs.

It ain't hard.


Bathroom scales are a total exercise in frustration.

I now have 3 and all three of them give different readings and have little repeatability. I'm simply going to throw two of them out and use the third only.

I am NOT going to use it to determine my actual weight. It's wrong. It's not even repeatable.

What I am going to use it for is to watch the trend. AM I LOSING WEIGHT?

An example of what I mean is that if it keeps telling me I am between 200 and 210 pounds and drops to where is says 190 to 200 I am going to reasonable assume I have dropped about 10 pounds but still have no clue as to what I really weigh.

I KNOW I am slowly losing weight because I can feel it. I'm also not trying to his some perfect ideal as as seen on TV magic weight. I'm just trying to slim down to something reasonable.

Besides the so-called BMI charts for my build are unreasonable.  If I managed to get my weight down to what the chart says I should weigh I would look like an Auschwitz survivor. 

The scales have been reduced to nothing more than reference tools. 

In short, bathroom scales suck.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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