Thursday, September 9, 2021

More fake news out there on Ivermectin

I see where various publications have been claiming that shooting victims and heart attack patients have been parked in hallways because emergncy rooms are plugged with various Ivermectin overdoses and/or bad reactions to the drug.

A little more digging says that many emergency room doctors are denying this.

What it looks like to me is that Ivermectin appears to be useful against Covid and that Big Pharma and the vaxxer set is unhappy to hear about it and are starting to spread more fake news.

This is getting pretty stale if you ask me and I'm  getting sick and tired of not getting a straight story from the powers that be.

Of course, Karen has fallen for it hook, line and sinker and is fighting fiercely the virus by donning her pretty little designer mask and trying to get anyone that even questions things horsewhipped.

Wha's interesting is how fast I heard the doctors denying having the emergency rooms overfilled with Ivermectin patients, One  emergency room doctor claims he has never even seen one much less had his emergency room flooded with them.

The entire poison control center of one state reports that Ivermectin problems have been about a dozen or less over the past several months.

Things like this lead me to trust the vax less and less every time I hear stories like this. I always go away feeling I know less than I did when I opened the articles.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HA

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