Thursday, July 18, 2024

I see where the right has finally come to and is fighting back.

A number of people since the Trump shooting have made social media comments saying they wished Crooks was a better shot, etc.

This time the right has started to retaliate. Some people on X have started doxxing campaigns over those comments and from what I have read a number of things have happened to the people that made the comments.

A number of teachers have been fired, some have had their certificates yanked and I see where a few businesses have been hit and are now probably going to fail. A number of people have been fired.

Here's a post from X you ought to read.  It is spot on and true.

Needless to say, the schoolteacher, call her Ms. Crunt is going to bellyache, piss and moan over having her livelihood cut off. Her career is useless and doesn't she have the right to express herself?

She does. What she doesn't have the right to do in her position is to advocate the cold blooded murder of a legitimate political candidate (Or for that matter, anyone else.) As a teacher she's supposed to be held to a higher standard and anyone advocating the murder of anyone else on social media is completely unfit to teach children.

I suppose if Ms.Crunt is a popular teacher there will be a hue and cry of some sort but that can generally be shut off by simply asking the parents if they advocate the cold blooded murder of another human being. Put in that light I would imagine that would be the end of it because it's a hard position to talk your way out of.

Someone pointed out that Home Depot fired a woman for posting a similar thing on social media and how she was old and needed her job. 

Home Depot is a business and they don't need their employees running their keyboards and giving the place a bad name. This is ESPECIALLY true when it causes a number of their larger customers complain. Sorry, Grandma. Adios. Sucks to be you.

Maybe you can tell your grandchildren the story of the time you did something stupid and got fired. They'll be thrilled.

Cancel culture has been going on for some time now, at least a decade and it's been much less than a week that the right has been fighting back and the left is screeching blue bloody murder.

A number of businesses have reported firing people over their social media posts. One of them a Harley dealer reports canning an employee over it after getting bombarded by people that have threatened to boycott the place.

A fireman is now in tears after being hit after posting a comment. He made a tear soaked post of all the awful things happening to him and his family. Yeah? So? What did he expect?

The left has been doing this for over a decade and as if this writing it's been less than a week and the left is screeching.

The first thing their screeching reminded me of was an old Charles Atlas ad out of a comic book when Mac, the 97 pound weakling clips a longtime bully in the jaw. (It wasn't even a haymaker, just a pretty good clip in the jaw)

The bully stumbles away, in shock and the next day probably tells his classmates what an a$$hole Mac was for hitting him, looking for sympathy and gets none.

One thing is certain. The bully never kicks sand in Mac's face at the beach again.

Too many people have had their lives totally destroyed for a simple comment like 'There are two genders and the state doesn't own my children'. That's a pretty petty comment in my book. So is admitting your preference for a political candidate.

On the other hand when you advocate murder on anyone (much less a legitimate political presidential candidate) you have crossed a line. 

No. I have no sympathy for Ms. Crunt. Sorry. She broke the rules.

In short, they are using their own tactics against them and making them play by their own rules.

Here's another freebie. It's on PDF so it won't cost you a dime to read it.  You guessed it. 'Rules for radicals, Saul Alinsky  It's the rulebook the left has been using since the publication in 1971.

I, for one, have grown sick and tired of taking the so-called 'High Road' and it's well past time to make the other side play by their own rules. 

Actually retaliation in kind is still the high road in a sense. You're fighting them on their own ground on their own level. That's fair enough. 

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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