Friday, October 16, 2020

I can hear the President at his next rally.

"I've had Covid. I went to Walter Reed and I'll say it's the finest hospital I have ever been to and I was flattered when the Sp/4 that saw me come in said. "Mr. President, you're my Commander in Chief and the only civilian entitled to a salute. We're going to treat you like one of us!"

"I've never been so flattered in my life! Our soldiers said I was one of them! Nobody has ever said anything so nice to me before. Our brave warriors said I was one of them."

"Then he handed me 2 Moutrin and told me to drink plenty of water and come back during normal sick call hours, which I did and they took great care of me. God bless the people at Walter Reed! They treated me like one of them!"

THAT would go over a LOT of people's heads!

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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