Sunday, January 30, 2022

Again I am NOT a law-abiding citizen.

I prefer the term moral human being. I would like to think of myself as one.

I don't speed in residential neighborhoods because it's unsafe. I don't give a damn about some stupid speed limit sign. If they took them all down I would still slow down in residential neighborhoods because it's the right thing to do.

Some idiot was griping because their neighbor lets their dog play in the snow for longer than 30 minutes at a time.Instantly someone else pointed out that the dog in question is a malmute, a sled dog. They love cold weather and are bred for it.

"But it's against the law," she protested.

"Laws are for idiots," I shot back. "Always remember that the people that hid Anne Frank were criminals. The people that ratted her out and got her sent to Bergen-Belsen where she died of typhus were upright law-abiding citizens."

"Furthermore if you have ever bought lemonade from a small child's lemonade stand you are a criminal for patronizing a criminal enterprise. Those kids don't get health inspections, business licenses or pay taxes and that makes it a de facto criminal enterprise. Al Capone went to the joint for tax evasion. Same crime the kid commits.  According to the way you think the cops should raid lemonade stands, make the sweet little six year-old girl running it kiss the pavement before they cuff her and stuff her and then impound the entire lemonade stand as evidence."

I suppose the entire thing was a waste of my time because the comprehension skills of some people are pretty minimal. People ought to remind me more often that you can't fix stupid.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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