Monday, January 24, 2022

I see where Old Ironsides now has a female skipper.

I am going to reasonably assume she was put there because she's competent. Her career history seems to say so from what I read. She seems squared away having just served as XO of a guided missile cruiser. 

I have no problem with this.

What irks me is the Navy has to make a ballyhoo over it. FIRST WOMAN SKIPPER of Old Ironsides!

Big deal. Of course (she might have been fed this) is that she said she represents the woman of the Navy.

I call bull$hit. She represents ALL sailors of the US Navy. Saying one represents a part of an organization is divisive. We already have enough of that going around these days.

This should be considered a basic routine promotion because that's what it is. It should be treated as such.

Unless, of course, there is some kind of political motivation behind the promotion in which case the promotion is bull$hit.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Pic, I have no problem with women in the Navy, Army, whatever, as long as they meet the same criteria as males. I think putting women on the Constitution is historically inaccurate, as far as I know there were no females in the early Navy. The idea of females on board a ship was considered anathema back then.
    Just the rambling thoughts of an old man.

  2. Historically it is inaccurate but I generally don't sweat the small shit. If she's a good officer it's fine by me.
