Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Sometimes I like telling people I barely finished grammar school.

It leaves them stunned.

Some fool a while back was running his mouth and I listened for a while and when he was babbling on and on about the need to keep everything around him sterile I told him he was destroying his immune system and leaving himself wide open to things, including  Covid.

While I am not an anti vaxxer I believe a person has a choice if they want one. 

Anyway, I explained how an immune system works and pointed out what happened to a bunch of Jesuits that did missionary work in SE Asia in the years right after WW2. They 'went native' and ate the local food and drank the local waters and promptly got sick as holy hell. Some had to be evacuated but many persevered and recovered after a few months of being deathly ill and many who toughed it out reported not being sick again for as long as they were in the jungle. Some reported not being sick for two decades after they returned stateside.

Anyway after I explained how the immune system works he asked me where I had gone to college. I told him I barely finished grammar school and his jaw fell. He asked me how come I knew so much about immune systems. I told him that when I got interested in something I read up on it.

Then he said he had heard I was a professional mariner and asked me about that. He asked me how I got the proper licenses without going through an accademy. I told him I studied on my own and took the tests. Guys that go that route are called 'Hawsepipers' I explained.

Then he said, "You mean you run a tanker with an 8th grade education?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?" I answered.

He said he didn't understand how a guy that never even finished high school could run a tank vessel.

I pointed out that Dave Thomas, the man that founded Wendy's never finished high school.

That's when I went in for the kill and commented that a man's education generally doesn't really begin until he gets out of school.

I was about 38 when I began this career and managed to get where I am with a handful of borrowed textbooks and some time sitting at the kitchen table. Later on the rules changed a bit and I had to go through a couple of 40 hour classes that the company gladly paid for.

I have never been laid off and I have never missed a day's work unless I took it off on my own. I've made a pretty good paycheck and done rather well for myself. 

It can be rather fun letting people think you barely finished grammar school. It makes it real easy to burn someone's ass.

It REALLY burns teacher's asses when they hear someone that doesn't have a degree makes more than they do. What irks them to no end is when they hear about someone that never finished high school makes more than they do and when you tell them you barely finished grammar school they go off like a skyrocket.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Right on the money! I never went to college, but worked my butt off. I stumbled into sales, and earned a six figure salary with relative ease. While a college diploma might be nice, you don't really need one if you are not afraid of hard work and commitment. Keep telling it like it is!

  2. Of all the professional people I have dealt with in my life my favorite was the orthopedic doctor that was a high school dropout.

    It was a garded secret Ind I am flattered he told me. IIRC I have done a post on him somewhere along the line.
