Friday, December 9, 2022

I'm calling the 2024 election now.

If Trump runs he loses. Plain and simple.

If Disantis runs he will lose because Trump will have smeared him somehow in the primaries AND the Trump worshippers will write Trump in and split the vote.

We're in for some pretty rough sailing ahead.

Don't worry now I have a pretty piss poor record of calling things. but that's the way I see it happening.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. As someone who works/volunteers on the inside of the GOP apparatus, you are 100% right. There is really no other way around it, short of president Trump having a heart attack and dropping out in the next six months.

  2. I totally agree. While I would love Donald to be the next pres, it ain't gonna happen. The media have effectively killed any chance of that by destroying the man's reputation. What a shame. I would hope that he realizes that, but somehow I doubt it. It is going to be rough sledding for us I fear.

    1. And all because of one man's ego. If only we had citizen leaders like Rome's Cincinnatus, who willingly gave up total power, to go back and work his farm.

  3. I like Trump, and he's still peppy, but he's too old. The best we can hope for is him doing a Wild Weasel run for DeSantis. Intentionally, or seems like, unintentionally.
