Sunday, December 25, 2022

It's cold here!

Minus one and windy as holy hell which really ads to things, making the wind chill run about -22 or so. The furnace is running almost constantly.

After the fire a lot of insulation was pulled out of the two bedroom and bathroom walls and the garage door was replaced with a couple of sheets of plywood. Some attic insulation was pulled, also.

If it was a calm 0 degrees things would not be too bad but the wind just peels the heat away almost as fast as it can be generated

As I look around I think that it's pretty amazing how all of the little interlocking pieces make a home efficient, keeps it warm and saves energy. Tear parts of it out and things get pretty inefficient.

I have some sheet plastic I was planning on using for drop cloths and I think that for now I will staple it to the wall studs just to see what happens. As come ancient Chinese philosopher once said, 'Better to light one candle than curse the darkness'.

From what I can see acording to the weather forecasts, today will be the worst of it because the temperature is going to start going up a bit. It will still be well below freezing for a while but this minus crap should go away.


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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