Friday, October 13, 2023

Someone asked me what I did with the plywood I used to cover my garage door opening

and was disappointed to find out that I let the garage door people haul it off.

He said I should have saved it and used it to make a sign to be put in front of some construction project in the next township.

                          COMING SOON
      Black Orchid Gentleman's club
                         Girl! Girls! Girls!

Interesting point and I know the reason he suggested putting it in the next township over. It was because a couple of years ago the township refused to let a dog grooming shop open because they were afraid of the noise of dogs barking.

If he did that (I'm sitting this one out) it would be entertaining to watch the screaming and carrying on that it would entail. 

It would be a shame if someone sat down and thought for a second or two and remembered that the likelihood of the township opening a strip club in the township limits was pretty slim after they refused to allow a dog groomer to open.

Or worse yet, if someone called the township and asked what was going on. 

Then again if they did ask a reliable source they would not be able to piss and moan about a non event and make fools of themselves.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

1 comment:

  1. Dementia setting in with more dribble from OP
