Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I just read where Oregon students will no longer be required to be proficient in

reading, writing and math to graduate because it disproportionately effects students of color.

Whoever came up with that one has insulted every person of color out there. They have just in so many words said that people of color are not capable enough to learn how to read, write and count numbers.

When in doubt, lower the standard and we can ALL suffer.

I have ranted and raved about ONE standard for everyone for decades and making programs open to EVERYONE.

One sets standards to create a result. Prior to this it was set so that if one looks are a basic high school diploma that the bearer had at least the rudimentary skills of being able to read, write and do basic math.

As of now the diplomas from Oregon schools mean little if anything. They state that the bearer went through 12 years of free baby sitting provided by the Oregon school systems.

I just got up and looked at my old diploma and if they are still using halfway decent card stock (They most likely are) to print the diplomas on you can't even wipe your a$$ with them.

When we lower the standard EVERYONE suffers. We get a dumber population.

Ahh, yes. We must pick up White Man's Burden and stoop down the help out our poor brown brothers. What horse$hit!

For the record two of my doctors have brown skin. 

While I suppose neither of them are 'TOP MEN" in their field, I did do some serious digging on them and found out that both of them are extremely competent doctors.

You also have to remember that the 'Top Men' are the medicos that the rich and powerful go to to get their flu shot unlike the rest of us that get them from someone with maybe a community college class or two under their belt. (Any poverty stricken half-wit of good peasant stock (like most of us) knows that doctors can't give shots for sour apples. They don't do it often enough to get good at it. The most painless shots are given by LPNs and Army Sp/4s)

Both of my doctors went through their various schools and met the standards everyone else did. I feel safe with them.

The key end result is now I am simply going to question the validity of a high school diploma that was issued my any public school in the State of Oregon, regardless of whatever race, creed or color they are. 

Sometime in 2020 during the various period of uneasiness in the country where our cities were Burned, Looted and Murdered one of the colleges in the Seattle area announced that people of color didn't have to take finals because they were too busy defending their rights (or some such crap)

I think I made a post (I'm not 100% sure) here saying that if I were a corporate head I would instruct personnel not to hire anyone with a degree from that school unless they could produce their final exam grades. 

That's fair.

I'm getting sick and tired of the double standard that seems to have come into the vogue and I fear it's working its way into medicine. I just read where Elon Mush has challenged an Ivy League school over having a double standard for POC in the medical profession.

Musk generally knows what he's talking about so I tend to believe him. It also galls a lot of people when I point out that Musk is an African-American.

A few years back I went to one of the outpatient departments  of the local hospital for and appointment. The department had more than one doctor there at the time. When I told the receptionist I was there for a doctor's appointment she asked me "Which doctor?"

With my usual deadpan straight face I replied, "No. I want a regular one." 

She chuckled and looked my file up and squared me away. It was somewhat funny then and it would probably be funny today but the way we're headed it may not become so funny because I can picture medicine headed that way down the road. 

At this rate it won't be long before one goes to the local clinic to see the attending physician wearing a grass skirt, a bone in his nose and carrying a spear. Say what you will, but it's starting to look like we're headed in that direction.

This sort of crap has worked its way into aviation, too. In early 2022 United Airlines opened a DEI program to recruit people of color and also a new school to train pilots.

Over the years I have only given minority aircrew people a passing glance because I naturally assumed they were held to the same standards as everyone else. Now I am starting to wonder.

I suppose that IF the United program holds ALL students to the same standard of excellence it shouldn't be bad. OTOH there will probably be a lot of pressure to graduate students based on color and the standards of excellence will possibly quietly be skipped over and they tail will start wagging the dog.

Look up Kara Hultgreen to see what I mean. Of course her Wikipedia page has been edited several times over the past few years but the bottom line is that before she got sent to carrier duty 

I read that Kara apparently got stuck in the middle of an inter-service rivalry between the Navy and the Air Force and that Navy may or may not have released her when she should have either gotten remedial training or just plain been washed out. Anyway it cost her her life. 

With airline pilots it's not just one pilot's life. Few people survive an aircraft accident.

Early on I wrote that standards are set to achieve a desired result. 

The results should lead to excellence in the prescribed field.

It should also be noted that in reality we are not equal. Some people have more brains and/or drive than others. It is what it is.

People, regardless of any of the usual factors should should be permitted to go as far as their brains and drive can take them with no interference. It's not a collective group thing, it's an individual thing.

As for me? I'm not a white male, I'm an individual. I'm Piccolo, member of the human race.



To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: http://piccoloshash.blogspot.com/2009/12/my-feminine-side-blog-stays-pink.html NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY


  1. Heh heh, I was filling out some government form about a week ago. It wanted me to check a box to declare my race, but I figured nothing good would come from thar, so I checked "mixed".

    1. On forms that has a space labeled ''other please specify" I'd put down 'human' and check it.

  2. Once again Pic hit one out of the park. Great job and well said. I can see in the near future the school system in OR will not even require kids to attend class and still give them a diploma just because. It is a sad state of affairs indeed.
