Back to the double standard.
My now retired nurse neighbor has told me that more than once she's had more than one educated black (sometimes a couple) come in and specifically ask for a white doctor.
About the only thing about that I can think of why that happens is the perception (real or imagined) that medical schools are running on a double standard.
I don't know if there is or there isn't and without some sort of reasonable evidence either way I'm not going to venture a guess.
I might say now for the record of the four doctors I see on any regular basis racially it's split evenly, two whites, 2 Indians. (Dot not feather) They're all pretty damned competent.
So if there is a double standard who gets screwed?
First of all, the general public. They get doctors out there in practice that are not as well trained as their (insert race, whatever here) counterparts.
Still, the guys I feel bad for are the brilliant, motivated physicians of whatever race that busted their asses, went the whole mile, pursued their trade, became extremely competent in their field only to be looked at dubiously because of their race, color, whatever.
I don't know his field but according to my nurse neighbor there's a black doctor that is regarded as one of the most brilliant in his field and would have been a perfect match for the black person in front of her that wanted a white doctor.
According to her the woman's ailment was right up that doctor's alley and it would have been a perfect match.
When she told the patient that that doctor was a perfect match for her and that that's the doc she would go to if she had whatever the black woman had, the patient was a little dubious.
I believe the patient did go to the recommended physician but the point is that if there is a double standard in medicine (or anywhere else) it really hurts the guys that are competent.
If there isn't a double standard in the medical field the fact of the matter is that the double standard elsewhere has created, it seems the perception of one seems to have somehow bled over into the medical field.
As usual the Good Guys get hurt by it.
Frankly when I need a doc of some sort I ask the nurses who they'd want to have work on them. They know I'm looking for a good technician. I don't care about bedside manners or any of that sort of crap.
As usual, I believe in a meritocracy. Anything else makes no sense and hurts everyone.
In other news, someone asked on another board what was going to happen to the man that recently shot Donald Trump.
I answered that he's been taken to a taxidermist so Kamala can use him as a part of her campaign.
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