go through my stuff after I am gone.
My basic property is of no consequence. What bothers me is my reloading bench because I just know that unless I have either my nephew or a certain friend go through it my wife will probably be a sucker for some guy that just insists he knows what he's doing.
I have a Webley revolver floating around that was sold as being chambered for .38 S&W back in the 60s. .38 S&W is a safe round for it to shoot but the actual round is a .380/200 because the Brits took the .38 S&W case and put a bigger powder charge in it and topped it with a 200 grain bullet. I have a box or two of .380/200 handloads on the shelf somewhere. I used 38 S&W cases which is safe.
The problem here is that Mister I Know What I Am Doing has an old Iver Johnson revolver in his collection that was his grandfather's and it's chambered in .38 S&W and the head stamp on the 380/200 has the same head stamp.
Now the boxes themselves are clearly labeled "380/200 ONLY. NOT FOR USE IN .38 S&W FIREARMS. ESPECIALLY Iver Johnson revolvers. This means you!"
Still Mister I Know What I'm Doing will open the box, take one look at the headstamp and decide that the deceased didn't know what he was doing, load up Grandpa's revolver and go Ka-Boom!
Then there's the .310 Cadet ammo that started life as a .32/20 case that I trimmed and blew out and loaded up as .310 Cadet. Lord knows what some idiot would do with that.
When I labeled the 380/200 box with 'this means you' I was going to write 'this means you, moron'. I had a quick change in plans because I realized an attorney could argue that his client was not a moron, but an imbecile and therefore the warning didn't apply to him.
Mr I Know What I Am Doing, in abject terror of admitting he's stupid goes straight to Dewey, Cheetham and Howe and demands justice.
Justice for a clown like this would be never letting him near anything sharp. Make him fill out his tax returns in crayon but that's not the way things work.
Even if you win in court, you lose because it has cost you a bundle to defend yourself.
Anyway, you got the idea. I want to protect my wife and my reloading bench is a liability and the risk of selling those things is simply not worth the few dollars it would bring in.
I have given my nephew the responsibility of the reloading bench and I know he's competent.
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