Sunday, May 24, 2020

An interesting comment

over a recent fire.

"I got $10 on homeless being involved. Goes with my rule of 'poor people ruin everything'.

It's an interesting comment. There's more than a kernel of truth to some of it. The homeless do start a lot of fires and destroy a lot of property. It seems that a lot of abandoned buildings get broken into and then someone decides to start a fire to either cook or keep warm on and then it's snap, crackle and pop as they take off running leaving a building on fire.

Of course they generally get away with it. Even if they are caught little seems to be done to them. They are generally released. Needless to say, asking them to pay for the damage is a joke.

One time I was in the park with my PRC 320 on the air with some guy in Iowa or someplace. Out of nowhere a drunk appeared. I ran his ass off instantly.

Why? Because I knew he would get curious and start fooling around with my radio and probably break something. I would be screwed.

Needless to say I knew he didn't have the money to pay for repairs and needless to say he would start fooling around with it. something would break and I would have to foot the bill. 

When he asked what  I was going I told him I was trying to protect Rocky and Bullwinkle from the communist
agents, Boris and Natasha because they were trying to kill them. He stumbled off very shortly after that. 

A little while later some guy showed up in a car and hopped out with a pistol in his belt. He saw what I was doing and said some drunk had pounded on his door and told him some guy was trying to kill a moose and squirrel in the park.

He decided to investigate first before he called the police.

People like that drunk just plain suck. They do nobody and good and generally cause more grief to the rest of us that try and live our lives.

I used to be kind to them. I actually still am to a point but when I see trouble brewing I simply run them off...especially if they are drunk or just plain out of their minds. I wish them no harm. I simply want them to go away.

Some time ago I ran one off and someone started to give me a hard time about it so I ran them off, too. Who needs it?

Still, I can't help wonder if the fire the guy mentioned wasn't started by some homeless bum. The guy that made that comment was probably right.

I'm in for $10 that the fire was started by some bum. 

Then again maybe not. With the COVID running around  and with the current financial mess maybe it was started by Louie the Torch.

Come to think of it, I'll put $10 on a bum being the culprit.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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