Monday, May 11, 2020

I just saw in Next Door where someone suggested racism as a reason

for someone's boorish behavior.

From what I read about the incident, there was no real evidence of racism displayed, only  bad manners.

Of course a couple of Karens wanted to hang the racist moniker on the ignoramus which is par golf these days.

The term racist is very much overused these days. Actually it has been for years. For decades people have groaned when the race card is played and as time has passed it means less and less.

There was a period of time where being called a racist was something to be feared. Of course because the left knew that nobody likes being called a racist they started using the moniker as pretty much apply anywhere label.

Voted for a conservative candidate? You're a racist. Believe in securing the borders? You're a racist. Want to defend the Constitution? Your rally will be labeled as a White supremacy rally.

Needless to say, but I attended the Lobby Day rally in Richmond and it was pretty damned diverse. It was far more diverse than the Woman's march in DC that looked like a bunch of middle aged angry white women with the odd 'token negro' thrown in.

Still, the rally was labeled by the media as racist. Actually Dr. King would be very pleased to have seen what happened there. It was a case of people of all races united for a common cause.

But still, the rally was labeled as racist.

Not long ago being called a racist would make a person's face burn with shame. But that's changing now. It is slowly becoming a compliment.

That's because of usage. The term is slowly changing its definition. I had an English teacher once state that the biggest thing that changes the language is usage.

'Rip-off' and 'diss' come to mind. Pre '65 the term 'rip-off' wasn't even invented. By about '68 it was heard fairly often and by the mid 70s was in very common use. 'Diss' is now in common usage. It's an abbreviation for 'disrespected' which was actually a fairly recent inner city term.  

Back when Hillary called Trump supporters 'Deplorables' she got a surprise. It backfired. Trump supporters immediately embraced the term and being a deplorable became a matter of personal pride to many people.

If supporting the Bill of Rights, believing in racial equality and dignity of man makes me a racist then so be it. I will embrace the title as I have a drink in my driveway with my neighbors of all races and creeds.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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