Thursday, May 14, 2020

The feds just busted some guy for twisting up a coat hanger a while back

I have no idea what is going to happen to him but it probably isn't good. 

He took a piece of coathanger and twisted into a shape that enabled him to use it as an automatic sear in a commonly used sport and utility rifle.

He was never found to have harmed anybody nor committed any crime with it. He just made it.

Of course he is getting prosecuted for it.

Martha Stewart spent some time in the can for insider trading.

As far as all of this goes it is complete bull$hit.

When we start taking our elected and appointed officials to task and start jailing them for their transgressions then maybe I'll go along with listening to what the government has to say. 

In the meantime the federal prosecution lawyers probably do not want me on a jury because they WILL wind up with a hung jury.

I refuse to convict a citizen for doing anything a lawmaker is permitted to do.

I see no reason Martha Stewart should have been jailed for doing something Diane Feinstein can do with impunity. 

One other thing most people don't know. 

In a court of law the jury represents the people. The judge can come out and spit and sputter all he wants and demand the jury try the case on various points but the truth is that when the case goes into the jury room it's actually entirely up to the jury which way they want to handle something. 

In the FWIW department, I am no fan of Martha Stewart. Every Christmas when I buy a wreath if anyone asks I tell them I'm going to use it to cover a toilet seat because I saw it on a Martha Stewart Christmas special.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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