Friday, May 1, 2020

Piccolo meets another idiot.

which is nothing new. The world is full of idiots. When shortages come and everything becomes difficult to get we will still have a humongous surplus of idiots.

The other day I watched a Karen shuffle through the cleaning supplies looking for a germicide. There were none to be had so I suggested putting bleach and water into a spray bottle and told her it was probably the best germicide out there.

She was one of those idiots that was convinced that things couldn't be that easy and that in HER house they were going to use BRAND NAME products. To her there was no way in hell something that easy and cheap could possibly be as good as something that was expensive. 

I was about to shuffle off when she told me her kids were never leaving the house until this plague is all over and how she constantly battles germs.

I told her that the kids should be outside playing in the yard and the dirt because by germ proofing everything all the time would lower the kids antibody system and when this mess is over they'll be susceptible to just about everything coming down the pike.

Then I told her that she may not believe it but a lot the homeless have incredibly powerful immune systems because of their constant exposure to everything. 

"How could that possibly be?" she asked and at that I knew I was dealing with an idiot incapable of logic. "Those people live in filth!"

"Which is exactly why they have such powerful immune systems," I answered. "Living rough like that puts the antibodies on high alert and makes the immune system stronger."

"My children certainly have a better system than any homeless person," she said. "Because I keep my home germ free and don't let them outside!"

"Whatever," I replied. "Next time you run into a health care person that has worked with the homeless ask them about it. You might actually learn something." With that I wandered off. 


To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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