Wednesday, May 6, 2020

There is no real mandatory gotta wear a mask everywhere rule here in PA.

Yet every so often you run into someone that thinks there is and decides to become the self appointed mask police.

These people are my bread and butter. My answers are as you can imagine, pretty sarcastic.

"Look, it's been over two weeks since I've had unprotected sex with a Chinese prostitute. I'm safe."

I asked some guy"Will it go on my permanent record?"

"When you report me to the STASI don't forget to tell them about the Jewish family and three shot down aviator I'm hiding in my basement."

"So YOU'RE the one that ratted out Anne Frank!" 

A while back before this COVID crap I told a woman that SCOTUS had declared that people had the right to face their accusers and that the police departments with tip lines had to open their files to the public and now we'll see who the snitches are!"

The woman turned completely ashen. Especially when I added that I had just gotten outta the joint by the governor's order and that I wanted to go back to finish my sentence and get it over with.

The majority of these self appointed police officers are women and that's because they know that nobody will hit them. Truth is I won't unless they get physical. That changes the rules.

Guys generally keep their mouths shut because they know that they can't hide behind a dress. 

Someone gave me a great idea for the next one I run into. He said I should whip out the cell phone, take their picture and tell them I am posting it on social media labeled 'Snitch, member of the Mask Police. This is the kind of person that got Anne Frank murdered'.

Now let's here what I do in real life.

As an act of courtesy to my fellow man if I am going into a situation where I am going to be around ANYONE I mask up. It's common courtesy, something society seems to be lacking these days. 

When I am not near anyone, perhaps driving or taking a walk I go without. However I do pack one while walking in case I meet up with someone. I never wear one gardening.

I do NOT wear a mask because some jerk in Harrisburg posted what is basically an unconstitutional edict. The governor can kiss my ass. The mask police can, too.

I wear one simply because I am a good citizen. 

Come to think of it, I bet that if people started writing 'Trump 2020' on their masks that wearing them would become a felony in a lot of blue states.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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