Sunday, May 17, 2020

You don't say!

I just read where NY has lost about 40% of its richest residents.

I'm shocked, just shocked to hear such a thing?

Why would anyone want to leave New York?

I mean I can see Rush Limbaugh leaving. He said it was like getting a crummy little three million dollar pay raise because his taxes went down. What a cheapskate! He moved over a paltry 3 million dollar decrease in taxes.

I wonder what his rent dropped down to?

Of course Limbaugh isn't alone and he's not likely the richest person to leave New York. I read that 40% of the richest have left and plenty more are following. They're tired of having their pockets picked.

I'll bet that Cuomo is going nuts now as he sees the fat wallets he used to plunder head off out of arm's reach.

Ray Charles could have seen that one coming and I have predicted it for a while. I also said that a lot of Maryland residents would move across the border to Pennsylvania and simply commute. 

A few years ago Maryland redefined the term 'rich' and started socking it to people in the six figure zone.

People like that have actually been to school and know how to count. Maybe they can't do fancy ciphering in their heads but pocket calculators cost practically nothing. 

It also doesn't take but half of a brain to realize that if you drive 20 miles you can buy a nicer home than your $500,000 place for less than half of that, either.

Still, I imagine Cuomo is wondering what to do and my guess is New York will try and create an exit tax. It will be interesting to see that one challenged in court. It will probably be argued under right of free passage.

These people in office never seem to know as much as the guy that runs Doc's Candy Store.

Doc at least knows if you cheat people they will go somewhere else.  

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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