Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Director of Maintenance, Road Repair, Hog Calling and Security.

Actually it was a pretty good gig for a 14 year old kid. It was at a camp and I was basically the fixer upper of things. I got the gig when they saw me sweat a copper pipe fitting on a latrine. The pipe had not been drained correctly and had burst the previous winter.

I fixed stuff and painted and was by no means a good painter but the stuff wasn't really paint as such. It was colored wood preservative and I slapped it on.

I was the only maintenance guy in the camp and one time I had to fill in a couple of pot holes which added 'Road Rapair' to my title.

The Hog Calling part came later when I chased a couple of campers back to their area my giving a rendition of the famous Tarzan Yell. The older guys thought that was pretty funny.

Security came later and it was because someone was playing dumb pranks so I made a trip wire and caught the guy. I never actually ratted him out. I let him rat himself out. He complained about getting caught in my little booby trap and in doing so ratted himself out as the prankster.  

Anyway that was a pretty interesting job title for a 14 year old kid.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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