Friday, October 8, 2021

Ahh, yes. Another Nextdoor outrage.

Some woman legitimately described her experiences with a whacko of some sort when she was out with her kids. I guess the guy made racial comments and comments about kids in general. No threats of violence were reported.

Below is my answer:


I've kind of mulled this over for a few minutes. First of all it sounds pretty disgraceful to me. There's no excuse for it at all. That being said, racist and inflamatory speech isn't against the law. It sounds like he didn't make any physical threats which IS against the law. So it appears no laws were broken here. I would make a mental note of him in case he does do something illegal and simply go about my business. On the plus side of things he outed himself in the process. Now you have some idea of his character.


That's what I consider a fairly intelligent and reasonable post. No used getting worked up where you don't have to. Of course the next time I took that route I would probably put something in my pocket in case he came again and decided to get violent. That's a prudent thing to do.

Still, no threats or attempts at violence were made so all's well that ends well. No harm, no foul.

Most people have shied from my post but the woman that made the original post agreed with me. Someone else hit me with the outrage emocicon. Apparently she's one of those dweebs that thinks Officer Friendly should have cudgeled him and carted him off.

It doesn't work like that.

People often fail to realize that groups like the BLM, the KKK, the Black Panthers, the Skinheads, the Nazis and the NAACP all share one piece of common ground.

They all have the right to their opinion and they all have the right to express it publicly.

The Founding Fathers were geniuses when they wrote the First Amendment. One of the things that I'm sure went through their heads is that by refusing to censor free speech a lot of people would out themselves in the process. Smart move on the part of the Founding Fathers.

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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