Wednesday, October 20, 2021

One thing is that most people don't even begin to understand logistics.

And while I am no rocket scientist in the field I at least understand the concept of getting things to where they are supposed to be at the appropriate time.

Half the people out there will be late for their own funerals which is probably why they have to be enbalmed. Otherwise they will have a poorly attended funeral because they'll stink too bad for anyone to attend but I digress.

Things are supposed to arrive at the right time in the right place in the right condition.

Getting a load of bananas to a supermarket a month late really isn't a very good idea. A better idea would be to take that truckload of fruit to the dump.

Remember that the Suez canal got blocked a few months ago? I don't know how many people in this country paid it no mind because they thought it didn't effect them. They were the same people that griped about the greedy fishermen in Vietnam raising the price on talapia that they were planning on having for dinner but didn't because the price went up.

Fact is the fishermen didn't raise the price. The shipping company raised theirs to make up for having to carry their caroges another 8000 miles.

Needless to say they didn't realize that with the Suez canal closed their dinner had to travel another 8000 miles to get to them. Same with Chinese sneakers and a lot of other things.

Once something gets stateside it can generally travel by railroad or truck. About 90% of what you buy has traveled by water.

It doesn't take a whole lot of time for the logistical system in the country to break down. Three or four days of things getting botched up would play hell in this country and a week's shutdown would cripple us. I doubt many people could last a month without people murdering each other over a can of beans or some damned thing.

Yet people do all sorts of stupid things to prevent things from moving right along. We have hundreds of cargo vessels off the coast trying to get unloaded but it isn't getting done.

From what I read in California it's because of a lack of rolling stock because emissions laws have pulled a lot of trucks off of the docks out there. I do not know how true this is but I wouldn't be surprised. Even a tiny little bit.

I wonder what is going to happen if the truckers that have not gotten the jab get told they either have to or stay home? It would be interesting if they elect to stay home.

As it stands now with Southwest battling and having Covid related slowdowns I wonder if it's going to spread to other airlines and the effect it will have on many of us that fly.

For me it would be one thing not being able to get to work and totally another thing not being able to get home!

I can picture some big muckety muck of a Fortune 500 company having to ride the bus to get to a meeting.


In other news, According to he Babylon Bee, you can get a free vacation flight on Southwest if you are vaccinated and know how to fly a plane.....

To find out why the blog is pink just cut and paste this: NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED IN THE WRITING OF TODAY'S ESSAY

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