Thursday, September 9, 2010

I am getting cranky today about a lot of things

I just read where the Marines booted a gang of pirates off of a German ship and arrested them.

How come they did that?

Why didn't they simply make them walk the plank of keelhaul them or something befitting a pirate?

On the same thread, I saw that one person suggested breaking out the USS Iowa for use in ending the vile practice of piracy.

The USS Iowa is a World War 2 battleship that has 16 inch old-school guns on it. These guns are ideal for shoreside bombardment.

The discouragement of piracy is a fairly simple concept.

You simply find out which ports the pirates are running out of and flatten it with 16 inch gunfire.

After doing that a couple of times, the local governments get the idea that they ought to start policing themselves.

As disgusted as I have been recently, I think this just might be the way to go,

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